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Lodging in Poza Rica with a mix of contemporary style, modern facilities and cozy services typical of a true home, Hotel Victorian gives you the warmest welcome. Our Hotel in Poza Rica, Veracruz, works around a philosophy of constant renewal to always offer business guests, families, groups and vacationers, a fresh and renewed image.
Our convenient location on Adolfo Ruiz Cortines Boulevard makes us the best option for business travelers, groups and families looking for the best attractions of Poza Rica.
Contact Us
Blvd Adolfo Ruiz Cortines 1306, Cazones, Poza Rica de Hidalgo, Veracruz, 93230, Mexico
Frequent questions
How much does it cost to book a room at Hotel Victoria Poza Rica?
The average price of a room in Victoria Poza Rica is $55. For more specific information, please contact the hotel staff.
What are the types of rooms offered by Victoria Poza Rica?
Victoria Poza Rica offers Executive Suite with King Bed, Standard Family Room and Master Suite with King Bed, from which you can choose.
Does Hotel Victoria Poza Rica have Wi-Fi?
Yes, Victoria Poza Rica has Wi-Fi.
How long does it take to get to the center from Hotel Victoria Poza Rica?
The city center is about a 15-minute walk from Hotel Victoria Poza Rica.
How far is Poza Rica El Tajín National Airport from Hotel Victoria Poza Rica?
The El Tajín National Airport of Poza Rica and Victoria Poza Rica are separated by a distance of 0.5 km.
What services are on offer at Victoria Poza Rica?
At Victoria Poza Rica you will find free private parking, an outdoor pool and a picnic area.
What restaurants can you recommend near Hotel Victoria Poza Rica?
200 meters from Hotel Victoria Poza Rica you can visit the Café & Deli and Restaurant Meson Huasteco restaurants.
What cancellation policy does Hotel Victoria Poza Rica offer?
Free cancellation is available for Hotel Victoria Poza Rica guests. For more information, please contact property management.
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